Robotics Team @ Bersaba 2022
This time YHS volunteers and members of the Robotics Team joined hands with Rotary Club and headed out to Bersaba to spread STEM education inspiration to the local community.
Our team gave an interactive session with Robot demo's for about 60 kids, youth and Inhabitants of Bersaba and surroundings.
Robotics Team @ Redi Doti - Suriname
YHS volunteers and members of the Robotics Team joined hands with SAAA STEAM-IT group/ U.S. Embassy and headed out to Redi Doti, an indigenous village in the interiors of Suriname to spread some STEM inspiration.
Our team gave an interactive session with Robot demo's for about 100 pupils of the Johan Chelius School.
The special component of this visit was that we had Mrs. Nagin Cox of JPL Labs/NASA as a special guest. The kids were psyched to learn that our very own Robotics Team also designs 'robot type' (drive train built) robotics, something (not as advanced as but definitely) in line with the exploration robotics mrs. Cox Designes voor MARS & planet exploration.
Robotics in Powakka - Suriname
YHS and members of the Robotics Team teamed up with the STEAM-IT group, members of the Suriname-America Alumni Association (SAAA) and headed out to Powakka, an indigenous village in the interiors of Suriname to be part of a STEAM-IT fair.
The Robotics Team held an interactive presentation and Robot demo's for about 90+ pupils of the St. Wilhelmusschool.
Some 'unexpected interested kindergarten visitors' also got a sneak peek in what was happening in the 'big kids' their class. Live robot demonstrations definitely seemed to trigger interest. As a closing event the kids were allowed to pick a name for the robot, and 'Botje' (little robot) it was.
Open day at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname
This time members of the YHS Robotics Team set up their Robotics stuff on campus. It was the open-day for incoming students of the Technological Faculty.
This was a great opportunity to talk with students and visting parents about the importance of Tech careers and the application/ importance of Robotics in almost any technical field of study. Thanks to the Match & Science Faculty we an interesting day with about 20 students & visitors.
Robotics in Sunnypoint - Girls in STEAM
Two robots were packed and off we went to Sunnypoint, where we had a group of 25 pupils from Public School Sunnypoint I (Koewarasan) waiting to receive us.
In our young crowd we had a group of girls from the 'STEAM for Girls' project of Mrs. Cherelys Apodi-Dwarka Sing supported by the US Embassy Paramaribo, who were all prepped to meet the members of the Robotics Team and especially those who represented Suriname in Washington DC and Mexico City.
The kids were not only made aware about what is happening in the world and in Suriname around robotics, but they also got to brainstorm in groups about their own ideas on robotics applications. The session was concluded with a race match between both robots and lots pictures taking with robot curious and smiling faces.
Zinniaschool - Robotics Motivation
Probably the most attentive bunch of kids we met up till now. Curious gazes, smart answers and quite ready to operate the robot by it's game pad.
Members of YHS and Robotic Team spend time with 2 groups of about 40 pupils of the Zinniaschool.
We watched fire fighter robots, spoke about other cool stuff technology and robotics can do and how they are important to helping humans with things in their daily lives. The pupils also got to meet two members of the Robotics team that represented Suriname in Mexico City.
And then it was picture time with the robot and goodbye for now it was.
NATIN - Secondary Vocational Education
Members of the 2017 and 2018 Robotics Teams held presentations for about 200 pupils of the Institute of Natural Resources and Engineering Studies (NATIN: Natuurtechnische Instituut).
Topics covered were the FIRST Global Challenge opportunities, Robotics Training in Suriname and the importance of STEM and Engineering for the future, while our Robot programmers shared some additional insights in the coding part of Robotics.